

The Internet is a crowded place. Since the inception and the rapid popularity that came calling with it, the internet has been home to numerous website. From creative platforms to traditional brick and mortar businesses, everyone found a niche on the internet. The search engine behemoth, Google, started early, initially depending upon links from one site to another, to keep a copy of the website. Slowly and effectively started understanding the content. This technique helped it to deliver the site to an ever-increasing number of users according to their needs and necessities. This technique garnered attention and website owners started working on the realization . The easier for Google to understand the content, the more efficient the website will be. This is where SEO became more than relevant. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process which involves improving the internal as well as external aspects of the website or a web page to enhance and increase its visibility ...

THE CHRONICLES OF DIGITAL MARKETING…… (All you need to know about Digital marketing)

There are so many things we thought we couldn’t live without yet this is us, having so many new ones some will rather die than part with. TVs, CDs, Telephones, Walkman, Stereos etc. Like memories they have faded . You might wonder, what else will be replaced tomorrow? Better to start with what is being replaced now and how long it is likely to stay. It is the digital evolution in roughly everything we use everyday. From shopping online, endorsing a product after impressions from their commercials on tv, booking for services online against the conventional going directly to the service providers office, relaying messages across through sms portal, radios or tvs as opposed to letters and personal messaging. Digital reawakening sensation happening to everything we know and what makes it merrier is that the process is gradual and allows room for catching up, people that didn’t match with the speed can still observe the influence and join the wagon. Against the outdated billbo...